Tyvärr fungerar halloween-sökningen endast i USA. Efter en sökning på [när är halloween] i det svenska Google-söket, ser jag bara massa affiliates som brottas i SERPen. Kalender 365 ligger i topp och listar alla halloweens fram till 2022… Alla är 31 oktober 2012. Genius!
Så ja, halloween är den 31 oktober 2012.
Varje år.
Reshared post from +Google
When you want to know the day or date of a particular holiday, just ask Google. For example, let's say that you want to know what day of the week Halloween falls on this year. Just search for [when is halloween] and at the top of the search results, you'll see the answer. In this case, Halloween is on a Wednesday. You can also search for some of those more obscure holidays, like National Mole Day. Guess you'd better start planning your brilliant costume soon…or if you're more interested in celebrating Mole Day, searching for your chemistry set! Note that many holidays are regionally-specific, so you may see different holidays depending on your location settings.